
Several awards will be presented during the EMSC:


DGMS society awards:

  • Mattauch-Herzog Award, sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen. The award is specifically for young scientists and honors excellence in the field of mass spectrometry research. 


Prof. Dr. Carsten Engelhard, Universität Siegen


"New Methods and Instrumentation for Nanomaterials Characterization"


  • Wolfgang-Paul Student Award, sponsored by Bruker Daltonik, Bremen. The award honors the best PhD and Master theses in the field of mass spectrometry.


PhD awards:

Dr. Johanna Hofmann, FU Berlin 


"Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry of Complex Carbohydrates.“


Dr. Alessandro Vetere, Universität Duisburg-Essen/MPI Mühlheim


"Development of hyphenated techniques for the analysis of complex mixtures.“


Master thesis awards:

Tanja Bien, Universität Münster 


"Charakterisierung des kutikulären Lipidprofils von parasitären Schlupfwespen (Nasonia) mittels Laser-Desorptions-/Ionisations-Massenspektrometrie.“


Patrick Olaf Helmer, Universität Münster 


"Bestimmung der Diversität von Cardiolipinen mittels LC-MS/MS“



  • Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences” Award, sponsored by the DGMS. This award honors research in method development and application in the field of mass spectrometry in the life sciences.


Prof. Dr. Michal Sharon, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel



  • Agilent Mass Spec Research Summer, sponsored by Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn. This award sponsors a PhD student for a research stay at the application lab in Waldbronn. 


 Ina Brümmer, Universität Stuttgart




SFSM society awards:

  • SFSM PhD Student Award, sponsored by the SFSM. The award honors the best PhD thesis in the field of mass spectrometry.


Dr. Baptiste Schindler, Université de Lyon

 Baptiste Schindler

  "Glycan Analysis by IR Spectroscopy Integrated into Mass Spectrometry"


Poster prizes:

  • Poster prizes are sponsored by Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer) and Metabolites (MDPI).


The poster prizes will be presented during the closing session of the EMSC

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